Nous contacter


Hours: Last Sunday to Thursdays, 7Pm - 2Am Central Time . Closed on Friday and Saturday.


We look forward to hearing from you on the phone, via email, at events, on our social media pages. If you have questions about this policy or how we apply it, please contact us at

We encourage discussion and questions relevant to our 3D printers, related accessories, filament materials, and Open Source Hardware.We expect comments to be courteous and follow the general rules of respectful civil discourse.With these expectations in mind, we will exercise our right to end conversations, including removing comments online, that include any of the following:

  • Contain obscene, indecent, harassing, offensive, threatening or profane language or libelous or defamatory statements of any kind;
  • Contain hate speech directed at race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, age, religion, or disability;
  • Contain spam or are intended to cause technical disruptions to this page;
  • Promote or endorse services or products, particularly if they are not Free Software, Libre Innovation, or Open Source Hardware;
  • Contain irrelevant links or contain advertisements;
  • Violate a social media network's terms of service;
  • Violate any laws or regulations, including patent, trademark, and copyright.

In addition, we will remove comments or posts with gratuitous links to sites as we consider this spam. We reserve the right to delete excessive wall postings to improve the overall visitor experience. Anyone repeatedly posting material or participating in activity that violates these guidelines will be banned from participating on our social media pages.

To protect your privacy, please do not include personal information (e.g. e-mail address, street address, phone number) in the text of your comment or posts to our social media pages.